Steinberg HALion 6 - Sample Player: AIFF, Akai, EMU, EXS24, Giga, HALion, Kontakt, LM-4, REX, Roland, SDII, SF2, WAV
Steinberg HALion 6



Steinberg HALion 6

Steinberg HALion v4.5.1: AIFF, Akai, EMU, EXS24, Giga, HALion, Kontakt, LM-4, REX, Roland, SDII, SF2, WAV

HALion can load almost every sound library available on the market and offers numerous tools to shape and even radically reinvent sounds.


  • State-of-the-art sound design environment developed according to the requirements of professional sound designers.

  • Award-winning 32-bit floating-point Steinberg audio engine with up to 192 kHz, 32 stereo outputs and 6-channel surround support.

  • Flexible user interface for customizing and saving windows and screen sets.

  • Multi-monitor support for perfect overview of large projects.

  • Virtual Analog Synthesis Engine offers multiple oscillator types, additional sub and noise oscillators and cross-modulation support.


  • VST 3.5 and VST Expression 2 support for unique instrument articulation management and expression control on single-note level.

  • Flexible signal routing with free assignable buses per layer, virtual audio mixing console with 8 inserts per channel and 4 Aux sends.

  • MegaTrig for easy programming of playing styles and articulations without page-filling scripting.

  • Drag and drop for quick and easy sample mapping.

  • Unlimited undo/redo plus Undo History for hassle-free sound experiments.

  • Automatic on-the-fly mapping during import.

  • Outstanding library with more than 1,600 instrument sounds created by top sound experts at Steinberg and Yamaha.


  • 64-bit Disk-Streaming technology for high performance sample playback.

  • Integrated MediaBay sound management system for immediate access to the library.

  • Flexible Quick Controls per program and layer for instant access to sound and FX parameters and easy automation in the host.

  • Unique morphing filters seamlessly blend between up to four of the 24 filter types.

  • FlexPhraser module for dynamically driving beats and arpeggios, plus complex tonal phrases with automatic articulation switching.

  • Wide range of audio effects on board including REVerence convolution reverb to fuel each program and layer with up to 8 insert effects.


  • Advanced Cubase integration including seamless exchange of extended parameters like slice information and VST Expression Maps.

  • Comprehensive import compatibility of HALion 3 sounds (FXP, HSB) and common formats as Giga, EXS and Kontakt.

  • Professional standalone version included.


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EXS24 MkII Sample Libraries for Apple Logic Pro EXS24 Sampler, GarageBand AUSampler (macOS ), Ableton Live Sampler, Steinberg HALion, MOTU MachFive 3, Presence XT Sampler -PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional- (macOS & Windows) and Image-Line DirectWave Player for Windows.


Syntheway KONTAKT Sample Libraries

for Native Instruments KONTAKT, Ableton Sampler, HALion, DirectWave Player

The KONTAKT sample library version available in .nki format can be used on Native Instruments KONTAKT full version v2.0 or above on Windows and macOS (Free Kontakt Player only will load this Library for 15 minutes in demo mode). Also is compatible with Ableton Sampler (Live Suite only, not Intro or Standard), Steinberg HALion on Windows and macOS as well as in Image-Line DirectWave Player for Windows.

Audio Units™ is a trademark of Apple Inc.

DirectWave Player™ is a trademark of Image-Line

Live™ and Sampler are trademarks of Ableton AG

Logic Pro® and EXS24 are trademarks of Apple Inc.

Kontakt™ is a trademark of Native Instruments GmbH

VST is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH

HALion is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH

GarageBand® and AUSampler™ are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.

Studio One™ and Presence XT™ are trademarks of PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc.

Mac®, macOS®, OS X® are a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Windows 7™, Windows 8™, Windows 10™ are either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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