Cocoa Loadable Bundles: Syntheway AudioUnits (AU), VST (.vst) and VST3 (.vst3) Plugins. DMG Apple Disk Image Format, HFS+ Mac OS Extended. Mount, Extract and Unmount a .dmg file on macOS. Apple File System (APFS)
Cocoa Loadable Bundles: Syntheway AudioUnits (AU), VST (.vst) and VST3 (.vst3) Plugins



Cocoa Loadable Bundles


Syntheway AudioUnits (AU), VST (.vst) and VST3 (.vst3) Plugins

Cocoa is Apple's native object-oriented application programming interface (API) for their operating system macOS.

Syntheway Audio Units and VST for macOS are Cocoa bundles, a convenient way to deliver software in Mac. Bundles provide a simplified interface for end users. They can be placed by the user manually through Finder.


About Bundles

Bundles are a convenient way to deliver software in macOS and iOS. Bundles provide a simplified interface for end users and at the same time provide support for development.

Bundles and Packages:

Although bundles and packages are sometimes referred to interchangeably, they actually represent very distinct concepts:

  • A package is any directory that the Finder presents to the user as if it were a single file.

  • A bundle is a directory with a standardized hierarchical structure that holds executable code and the resources used by that code.

Syntheway VST and AudioUnits (AU) are the two native plugin formats for Mac (macOS operating system). Although there are other DAW specific formats for plugins, VST and AudioUnits are more common and compatible across various DAWs like GarageBand, Cubase, Logic Pro, REAPER, Ableton Live, PreSonus Studio One, etc. VST & Audio Units Plug-ins for Macintosh Apple macOS. Cocoa consists of the Foundation Kit, Application Kit, and Core Data frameworks, as included by the Cocoa.h header file, and the libraries and frameworks included by those, such as the C standard library and the Objective-C runtime. Cocoa applications are typically developed using the development tools provided by Apple, specifically Xcode (formerly Project Builder) and Interface Builder, using the languages Objective-C or Swift. However, the Cocoa programming environment can be accessed using other tools, such as Clozure CL, LispWorks, Object Pascal, Python, Perl, Ruby, and AppleScript with the aid of bridge mechanisms such as PasCocoa, PyObjC, CamelBones, RubyCocoa, and a D/Objective-C Bridge. A Ruby language implementation named MacRuby, which removes the need for a bridge mechanism, was formerly developed by Apple, while Nu is a Lisp-like language that can be used with Cocoa with no bridge. It is also possible to write Objective-C Cocoa programs in a simple text editor and build it manually with GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) or clang from the command line or from a makefile. For end-users, Cocoa applications are those written using the Cocoa programming environment. Such applications usually have a distinctive feel, since the Cocoa programming environment automates many aspects of an application to comply with Apple's human interface guidelines.

Loadable bundles written for the Cocoa runtime environment include a few features specific to Cocoa. Because they are written for Cocoa, they contain code for Objective-C classes. In particular, every Cocoa loadable bundle contains a principal class. The code loading mechanism provided by the NSBundle class uses a bundle’s principal class as an entry point. Applications loading bundles can ask NSBundle to find the principal class and use the returned Class object to create an instance of that class.


NSBundle finds the principal class in one of two ways. First, it looks for the NSPrincipalClass key in the bundle’s information property list. If the key is present, it uses the class named by the key’s value as the bundle’s principal class. If the key is not present or the key specifies a class that does not exist, NSBundle uses the first class loaded as the principal class. If the bundle is built with Xcode, the order of classes as viewed in the project determines the order in which they are loaded.


How to Install VST Plugins

  1. Unzip the downloaded file if it is an archive like .zip or .rar. You should only see a file with a .vst extension. This is the actual file required for the plugin.

  2. Move the .vst file to the VST folder in your audio plugins folder.

  3. If your DAW is running, close it and restart it. When your DAW starts up, it will rescan your plugins folder and detect your recently installed plugin.

Syntheway VST and AudioUnits (AU) are the two native plugin formats for Mac OS X. Although there are other DAW specific formats for plugins, VST and AudioUnits are more common and compatible across various DAWs like Cubase, Logic, etc

How to Install Audio Units Plugins

  1. Unzip the downloaded file if it is an archive like .zip or .rar. You should only see a file with a .component extension. This is the actual file required for the plugin.

  2. Move the .component file to the Components folder in your audio plugins folder.

  3. If your DAW is running, close it and restart it. When your DAW starts up, it will rescan your plugins folder and detect your recently installed plugin.

How to Install Audio Units Plugins. Syntheway VST and AudioUnits (AU) are the two native plugin formats for Mac OS X. Although there are other DAW specific formats for plugins, VST and AudioUnits are more common and compatible across various DAWs like Cubase, Logic, etc. VST & Audio Units Plug-ins for Macintosh Apple OS X

Other Plugin Formats

You might come across another folder labeled VST3, this is for VST3 plugins which are not as common as of yet. They can be identified with the .vst3 file extension. MAS is used for MOTU Audio System. HAL is Hardware Abstraction Layer and you should not be needing to change anything there.

Cocoa framework and xCode Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Cocoa is Apple's native object-oriented application programming interface (API) for their operating system macOS.Xcode is an integrated development environment (IDE) for macOS containing a suite of software development tools developed by Apple for developing software for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. First released in 2003, the latest stable release is version 9.2 and is available via the Mac App Store free of charge for macOS High Sierra and macOS Sierra users. Registered developers can download preview releases and prior versions of the suite through the Apple Developer website.Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. It was the main programming language used by Apple for the OS X and iOS operating systems, and their respective application programming interfaces (APIs) Cocoa and Cocoa Touch prior to the introduction of Swift.

Syntheway Audio Units and VST are Loadable Bundles, using Cocoa framework and xCode Integrated Development Environment (IDE) written in Objective C. Bundles provide a simplified interface for end users and a convenient way to deliver software in macOS operating system.

Mac OS X is a trademark of Apple Inc.

Audio Units™ is a trademark of Apple Inc.

VST is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH

Kontakt is a trademark of Native Instruments GmbH

Mac™ is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

EXS24™ and EXSP24 is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries

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